Warriors for Change. Warriors for the Environment. Warriors for Peace.
“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” – Nora Ephron

The Woman are Warriors Project is led by artist Kelly Meagher and supported by women business owners throughout Northwest Puerto Rico for the purpose of educating the public on environmental issues through vibrant public art projects.
Women are Warriors seeks to support artists in their desire to give purpose to their art practice.

We envision a better future for our community, a future where our leaders make decisions with the environment and sustainable growth in mind. Our goal is to educate the public about the negative impacts of the degradation of our delicate ecosystem which is so often consequences of the Patriarchal, Capitalistic systems set place here in Puerto Rico.
By teaching the youth about the negative impact of their decisions we can prepare the next generation of leaders to be more proactive in protecting our precious resources.